Channel: thevirts
Category: Film & Animation
Tags: magicv6v7derrenhonegreanuangeltexastipsflourishdankevincrissdownloaddananddavethevirtsrevealedlimitmanipulationvanishellusionisttestmirrorsflourishespokertorrentcrazy card flourishesbrownsleightdanielcardistrycrazycardnodavecardsimpossiblebesttrickyeowdarenhuronlowbuckexposedtutorialdavidfreehandholdemchipxcmcopperfieldsmoketricksvirtsroomstuntsthevirtuosocyrilsmoke and mirrorstakayamaonlinetheory11penguincard trick
Description: Card Flourishes by Virtuoso at Experience the only deck designed for card flourishing now at Card Flourishes - Virtuoso: Test Room Test Room was made as a tribute to Dan and Dave's Smoke and Mirrors playing cards, and to give our fans a satisfying "come back" Virt video. Our goal was to feature uncut sequences of card flourishing, and to make the entire experience as visually seamless as possible. Test Room also transitions into the release of our very own Virtuoso deck of playing cards; the very first cards designed for the art of card flourishing. You can experience our new deck here at We hope you enjoyed the card flourish video! Do subscribe to our channel for we have pretty exciting stuff coming up! Thank you! Credits Card Flourishes - Virtuoso: Test Room Card Flourishes performed by Virtuoso (The Virts): Huron Low Daren Yeow Kevin Ho Card Flourishes performed (in sequence): Huron's box card flourish: One handed packet twirl V Flip One Handed Swivel Daren's box card flourish: Kung Fu Opener V Slide Kevin's box card flourish: Rubix Opener Molecule 2 Swivel Fourgasm Ace Production Flic Flicker Twirl Extension Flicker Shot Erdnase Go Round Carnahan Fan One Handed Fan Slyce Satellite Tornado VBH What The Hell Happened to Sybil Skater Cut Tornado Cut Crabshack Molecule 3 Waterfall Spring (Reversed) One Handed Bridge Long Distance Spinner Whip Jackson 5 Card Flourishes created by: Huron Low of The Virts Daren Yeow of The Virts Kevin Ho of The Virts Dan and Dave Buck Brian Tudor Chris Kenner Ashford Kneitel Joey Burton Audley Walsh Sylvester Singh Card Flourishes - Virtuoso: Test Room Written by: Huron Low Daren Yeow Kevin Ho Directed by: Huron Low Edited by: Daren Yeow Lighting by: Jeremy Tan Cinematography by: Huron Low Daren Yeow Jeremy Tan Music by: Mutemath - "Reset" Enjoy! Virtuoso (The Virts)